Unfortunately, I only passed two weeks at La Canestra.
The first week, we could not do very much because the weather was very bad. But the sencond week was full of sun and therefore full of work.
I was responsible for taking care of most of the animals (pigs, cows, horses, chickens, sheeps, donkeys). Although somtimes it was hard and dirty work I enjoyed it very much and I am very thankful that I was trusted with this task.
At the beginning I didn't know what to think about the people, but then they turned out to be extraordinarily friendly and heartly. It was a pleasure for me to spend these two weeks together with them.
When the sun came out after the first week I was surprised to find myself in a really beautiful landscape. With the snow covered peak of San Franco always in sight, work was done with double pleasure (but took also double time).
In the second week, the highlight of every day was the short ride I used to make in the afternoon with Carboso, a very nice and beautiful horse.
Also worth mentioning is the food I tasted there: selfmade pasta and bread, a lot of meat and salad and cakes, everything was really delicious.
I am sorry that after this horrible earthquake I could not help with nothing but the work of my hands. But I hope very much that I will be able to return one day to offer my help once more and enjoy the hospitability of the family.